Known for having poor posture? Not anymore. Posture correctors are here to stay, but there’s a few things one needs to know before implementing them into everyday life. Read on for the long and the short of the best posture corrector!
In this article we discuss the following:
- Do Posture Correctors Work
- Posture Corrector Types
- Posture Corrector Device
- Posture Corrector Reviews
- Best Posture Corrector
- Posture Corrector Brands
- Posture Corrector Exercises
- How to Wear Posture Corrector
- Posture Corrector Near Me
- Posture Corrector Price
Do Posture Correctors Work
So, how effective are posture correctors? Well there are a lot of yay and nay sayers coming from every direction, but the overriding narrative seems to be that people just need to be aware that posture correctors are a temporary fix, and never permanent. We got more insight from holistic physician, Dr. Sony Sherpa:
“Remember that posture correctors are only temporary aids. Because posture correctors don’t strengthen your muscles, you shouldn’t use one for extended periods. Doing so can weaken your core muscles, because the posture corrector is the one that supports most of your weight. Weak muscles increase the risk of injury. To avoid this, it’s ideal to use a posture corrector for a maximum of two hours a day.”
Are Posture Correctors Safe
The question isn’t really is a posture corrector worth it, but more so is a posture corrector safe? For the most part, they are, however there are a few drawbacks that founder and co-owner of GulfPhysio, Kieran Sheridan, would like to mention. “There are some potential risks associated with posture correctors.
If not used correctly, posture correctors can actually cause more pain. This is because they put pressure on certain areas of the body, which can lead to soreness and irritation. Also, if you wear a posture corrector for too long, your muscles may become dependent on it and weaken over time. As with anything, it is important to use posture correctors in moderation and listen to your body’s signals.”
Posture Corrector Benefits
Whether or not a posture corrector is good or bad, there are undeniable benefits that come with moving through the world with great posture. Charlotte Hurst from Hurst Health laid them out for us with in-depth analysis: “Good posture ensures that your bones are well aligned with the rest of the body, while the tension in your muscles and ligaments is properly distributed. More so, it keeps the body parts in their rightful positions with minimal stress. A rightful posture therefore:
- Enables muscles to coordinate in a more-efficient manner, ensuring the body utilizes less energy, thus eliminating muscle fatigue. This allows one to undertake tasks for longer periods with minimal exhaustion.
- Holds the spinal joints in place, which is essential in maintaining a good posture. With less stress on the ligaments, coupled with aligned spinal joints, the possibility of injury is greatly minimized.
- Aids in preventing back and muscular pain, all which are signs of a poorly relaxed body, therefore eliminating a myriad of other ailments that may accompany such issues.
- Decreases the abnormal wearing of joints by keeping them and the bones properly aligned. By ensuring our muscles are used correctly and that no wear or tear occurs, chronic risks like arthritis are duly eliminated.
Charlotte adds that an added benefit of good posture is that of a healthy functioning digestive system and correct use of the lungs!
Posture Corrector Types
Pondering what posture corrector should I buy? You’re in the right place. Richard Omel, founder of HUMOMA, says that there are two fundamental types of posture correctors. “The wearable brace-like devices tend to encourage a gentle pulling back and downward of the shoulder blades counteracting the common tendency of forward carried shoulders and head. The other wearable sensor type of posture corrector uses a subtle vibration as a cue to the user to shift their body back to its “ideal” resting upright posture.”
According to Richard, improving posture is a sensory-motor experience meaning one must first recognize the difference between good and poor postural cues offered by the body; and second have the movement management skill set to adapt efficiently while sustaining their body’s structural and functional integrity. “Posture correctors satisfy the first requirement but fail to address how to effectively move out of a distorted posture as it occurs,” he adds.
Neck Posture Corrector
Mike Berry, a vegan-friendly food and fitness blogger, is no stranger to neck pain and the benefits of a light posture corrector. “I was in a car accident in 2010 which caused immediate upper back and neck pain. That pain led to poor posture and eventually the development of a slight neck hump over the last few years. I’ve tried two posture correction devices to reduce pain and eliminate the hump with and without success.”
The first posture corrector Mike tried is one that was designed to vibrate when you have incorrect posture. “I found it to be extremely ineffective as it only vibrated when my posture was extremely poor. It also failed to vibrate when the neck was poorly aligned which made it even more ineffective,” he explained.
“The second was a neck stretcher and shoulder relaxer. I found this device to be extremely effective. It greatly reduced the hump in my neck within two weeks so that it’s no longer noticeable. It also significantly improved my posture which reduced the pain in my neck and upper back.”
Back Posture Corrector
Unlike a device targeting the neck area, a back posture corrector makes the spine and core of the back muscles its main focus. A back posture corrector is typically quite a bulky device, designed to cover the entire surface area of the back for optimal results. These are not considered to be discreet devices, and resemble a brace-like design.
Upper Back Posture Corrector
Sometimes you need correcting in a zone that is not quite the neck, yet not quite the lower back either. The upper back is where a lot of people struggle with low muscle tone, which means that this area is simply not developed or strong enough to support healthy posture. An upper back posture corrector can help with this, and is typically more discreet (smaller) than other devices.
Lower Back Posture Corrector
You can think of a lower back posture corrector as a sort of sports corset. Designed to wrap around the body, encasing the lower back in a supportive embrace, these devices will help to keep the lower back muscles rigid and supported until the spine itself learns how to stay upright on its own.
Posture Corrector for Rounded Shoulders
The problem of having rounded shoulders calls for a slouching posture corrector. When shoulders appear to be rounded forward, it is showing that a person’s spinal column is weak and there are underdeveloped muscles that are incapable of supporting the upper part of the body.

Posture Corrector Plus Size
Contrary to popular belief, good posture has nothing to do with the size of your body. There are very tiny people with very bad posture, and plus sized individuals with great posture — this is a question of support, and not of weight.
Plus size posture correctors are available and are made to fit individuals of all shapes and sizes. This brings the benefits of posture correctors into the plus size market, allowing for everyone to take advantage of what this kind of technology can offer.
Chiropractic Posture Corrector
There are more specialized chiropractic devices that one can use to improve their posture, and not all of them come in the form of a strap or brace. Chiropractors know that posture improvement can be found via numerous different avenues, especially exercise devices that work to stretch or strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders.
Posture Corrector for Kids
Children’s posture correctors have to be the most comfortable posture correctors on the market, for obvious reasons. Little ones are generally less keen to wear something clingy on their person for long periods of time, but the truth of the matter is that during one’s youth happens to be the best time to try to correct these ailments, not to mention a much easier process compared to later in life.
Posture Corrector Device
Different devices can target different areas, so where exactly your weakest posture point is should determine what sort of device you must use.
Posture Corrector Brace
In extreme cases, a posture corrector brace can be the best option, as well as the most efficient. These devices are the more bulky, all-encompassing braces that typically can’t be covered with clothing. They brace the body together in optimal alignment, so that the wearer can get used to what it feels like to have perfectly stacked vertebrae and hopefully start to embody this in everyday life.
Posture Corrector Bra
Poor posture is the woe of most women with significantly bigger breasts. The weight of the breasts tends to pull the body forward, and the neck, shoulders and upper back tends to go along with it.
The perfect everyday posture corrector bra will work to support the excess weight of the breasts, and lift them upward to alleviate the strain placed on the upper back. This way, the person in question is able to move through the world more lightly, without that forward pull getting in the way.
Posture Corrector Chair
Yes, the wrong desk chair can work against you and your posture over time. Ever get up after hours of working and feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? This could mean that your chair is simply not ergonomic enough to support your body through a long, motionless day behind your computer.
Posture corrector chairs are designed to perfectly support the lower back and buttocks, so that the upper back, neck and shoulders don’t have to overcompensate and offload onto the lower section.
Posture Corrector for Chair
If you’re relatively happy with your chair and do not want to have to replace the whole thing just to enjoy some more professional support, then you can instead opt to insert a portable posture correction chair into the existing seat. These look like booster seats that you might use for children in a car, and they slot perfectly into your existing chair for improved support.
Magnetic Posture Corrector Back Brace
Made with magnets built into the frame of the device, an adjustable magnetic posture corrector works to pull the bones and muscles of the wearer into the most functional directions. Over time, the individual will become familiar with how their body feels when said muscles are in this position, and should be able to hold them there without the brace in place.
Magnetic Posture Corrector Back Brace Reviews
As with any posture corrector reddit reviews, this is a mixed bag of opinions and experiences. Some people swear by the magnetic technology, while others prefer boning or more original brace-making techniques that have been around longer.
Posture Corrector Belt
Also known as a waist training device, posture corrector belts are great for anyone whose poor stance is a direct result of low muscle tone in the lower back. These belts hold up the lower end of the body so that the upper is better supported and can stand tall. What’s great about these is how discreet they can be if you want them to; they’re virtually invisible underneath a baggy t-shirt or loose blouse.
Posture Corrector App
Another device that is making headway around the world would be the very simple, yet very effective, posture corrector apps. By installing one of these apps onto your phone, you’ll gain insight into the top tips and tricks for correcting your posture naturally and over time.
As mentioned earlier on, sustaining good posture is really about building muscle via exercise, and a posture correcting brace can really only help guide you and allow you to feel how your back, neck and shoulders ought to be feeling.
Posture Corrector T-Shirt
Compression t-shirts have been rumored to help correct posture over time. These are shirts that are designed to support the shoulders while you strengthen your back muscles through exercise. They are said to prevent injury and reduce pain (which is a known side effect for poor posture).
Posture Corrector Reviews
We’ve noticed that when it comes to posture correctors, all review platforms are pretty much a mixed bag of positive and negative experiences. From this we can deduce that these devices indeed work for some, and then do absolutely nothing for others, which reinforces the notion that exercise in conjunction with a posture corrector is pretty essential.
Jenny Hunter from Happy Muncher gave us her list of pros and cons. According to her, posture correctors can help with three things: improve your posture by keeping your spine aligned, relieve pain associated with poor posture, and lastly, prevent future injuries by correcting your posture.
That said, Jenny also noted a few potential downsides to posture correctors: “First, they may be uncomfortable to wear. Second, they may not be effective for everyone. And lastly, they may cause additional pain if not used properly.”

Ultimately, whether or not a posture corrector is right for you depends on your individual needs and preferences, and the thousands of reviews from people just like Jenny are testament to that.
Posture Corrector Downsides
Let’s take a closer look at these perceived downsides to posture correctors. Ergonomist, author and public speaker, Michael Jones, had much to add on the subject, and below lists his top reasons why posture correctors can do more harm than good:
1. They can cause muscle weakness. “When you wear a posture corrector, your muscles become accustomed to the device doing the work for them. As a result, they become weaker and less able to support your spine independently. This can lead to even worse posture once you take the device off,” says Michael.
2. They can lead to dependency. “Because posture correctors take the strain off of your muscles, you may become reliant on them to hold yourself upright. This means you’re not fixing the problem but just masking it with a device. Eventually, you’ll have to face the fact that your posture needs to be corrected without help from an external device,” he adds.
3. They can restrict breathing. “Some posture correctors are very tight-fitting and can restrict your chest movement when you breathe deeply. This can make it challenging to take full breaths and may leave you feeling lightheaded or dizzy.”

Best Posture Corrector
Wondering which posture corrector is the best? Let’s take a look at a few that have caught our eye over the years…
Best Invisible Posture Corrector
Upright GO2 Posture Corrector

A posture training pod that sticks to the back of your neck makes use of biofeedback sensors to help train your spine and muscles to stay upright. The smart device works by vibrating onto your skin every time you allow your back to slouch. It links to an app where one can choose their schedule and training packs, as well as adjust vibration sensitivity and goals.
Since this device simply sits on the back of the neck, it is almost invisible and can be easily covered with a shirt or scarf.
Best Back Brace Posture Corrector
VOKKA Posture Corrector

If you feel called to don a full-sized back brace, then look no further than the VOKKA. It’s not at all discreet, but then again back braces hardly ever are. That said, the material is amongst the most breathable on the market, which is key if you’re going to opt for something with this much coverage.
This device is recommended for individuals who have to spend a lot of time sitting behind a computer screen in an office chair.
Best Posture Corrector for Neck
Dr. Arthritis Posture Corrector
The best posture correctors for sensitive necks are ones that pull away from the shoulders, like a halter neck, as opposed to those that cling to the neck area for support.
This unit by Dr. Arthritis does just that, and pulls up and away, as opposed to down and toward. The device was developed by spine doctors and is fully adjustable to different shapes and sizes. It can be tricky to put on the first time around, but once you get the hang of it you’ll be glad you gave it a shot.
Best Posture Corrector on Amazon
Beloen Posture Corrector on Amazon

Beloen’s posture corrector device has maintained an impressive 5-star rating amongst over 2000 satisfied customers. The ergonomic design is discreet, easy to use and made of breathable material that is entirely latex free. It is virtually invisible when worn under clothing, which means you can train yourself even while out in public.
And then there’s the price… Beloen’s posture corrector retails for under $10 per unit, which is extremely affordable given the positive feedback that surrounds this product online.
Best Posture Corrector for Rounded Shoulders
IFGFit Arya Bra

Rounded shoulders require support from the back downward, which is why we love this Arya bra by IFGFit. The built-in technology is designed to deliver posture alignment to anyone with excess breast weight or shoulders that are rounding forward (or both!).
The best part is that it looks like any other stylish sports bra in your closet, and can be worn as is or underneath other clothing. This is the future of shoulder and spinal muscle training!
Posture Corrector Brands
Whether it is a medical posture corrector that you’re looking for, or simply just something basic to take the edge off, these brands are leading the industry when it comes to aligning vertebrae!
Riptgear Posture Corrector
From what we know, Riptgear is a brand that quickly broke into both the Amazon and Walmart inventories with outstanding ratings to follow. Their posture correcting back brace is one of the best on the market for people who actually experience pain as a result of their back problems.
The trademarked technology is affordable, adjustable and unisex.
Body Wellness Posture Corrector
This proudly Australian brand has also trademarked their posture correcting technology, and works to help the body to naturally adjust to a more permanently improved spinal fixture. They claim that their brace is not a temporary solution to back problems, but rather something that can provide sustainable change to existing posture issues.
Vive Posture Corrector
As a brand, we know Vive to be communicative, responsive and extra generous when it comes to discounts and deals. That said, the feedback on their posture correcting brace is mixed, with some swearing by the product, and others swearing it off. From what we can tell, it all comes down to accurately interpreting their size guide, so that the pressure on one’s shoulders is properly distributed.
Voelux Posture Corrector
Not much is known about the Veolux brand that made an Amazon debut a couple of years ago. Despite this, the company has maintained a solid four star rating amidst hundreds of sales. Based on customer feedback, it seems many people have seen success with the Veolux unit with just two to three hours of wear a day.
FlexGuard Support Back Brace Posture Corrector
Also an Amazon retailer, the FlexGuard brand offers a wearable posture corrector designed to suit both men and women. With a built in lumbar pad, metal bracing and adjustable straps, this back brace supports from the bottom up, alleviating strain so that the shoulders can course-correct themselves.
Marakym Posture Corrector
Marakym broke into the posture market a few years back, and introduced us to their ultra-lightweight devices for a broad spectrum of back problems. They have numerous posture corrector styles to choose from; everything from braces to belts, and even wrist and ankle guards for added support. At this time, Marakym retails exclusively through Amazon.
Camp Ben Posture Corrector
Camp Ben is a lesser known name in the posture correcting game, but that said, they have been reported to offer one of the best devices on the market for their given price point. “The product does what it’s supposed to do” seems to be the recurring message from customers past and present — what more could you ask for?
Evoke Pro Posture Corrector
Evoke is a trusted brand amongst gym enthusiasts and the fitness type. The brand is centered around the notion that everyone deserves to live a more active life, and back pain/posture shouldn’t be a compromising factor. They acknowledge that most people will encounter sciatica and kyphosis from sitting in an office chair for long periods of time, and that they can help anyone avoid this with their carefully crafted products.
Andego Posture Corrector
Another brand that is making waves across Amazon and Walmart, Andego is combating discomfort within the posture corrector world. Gone are the days of tough fabric digging into your armpits, or scratchy velcro irritating your exposed skin. Andego’s brace is designed to be worn 24 hours a day (if you so desire) without ever causing irritation.
Posture Corrector Exercises
As mentioned throughout this piece, a posture correcting brace is not the ultimate solution when it comes to misalignment of the back, neck and shoulders. Exercise is required, to some degree, to work in unison with the brace so that the muscles can strengthen and stay upright long after the brace comes off. The following are some poses one can implement daily in order to start improving their posture:
- Cat cow
- Side planking
- Downward dog
- Back arches
- Forward folds
- Child’s pose
How to Wear Posture Corrector
This depends entirely on the corrector itself. The design/type of the corrector will determine exactly how it needs to be worn on the body for optimal effect, and while most correctors simply slide on like a backpack and fasten in the front, there are some that are a little more complicated.
Always read the instructions clearly before putting on your new posture correcting device. Doing it wrong, while under the impression that you’ve done it right, can cause more harm overtime and you won’t even know it.
How Long Should You Wear a Posture Corrector?
Technically yes, one could wear a posture corrector 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Is this recommended? Absolutely not. You see, these devices are intended to be aids, not crutches. Becoming too reliant on them for support will simply weaken your existing muscles over time, and you’ll be worse off than where you started when you eventually have to take it off.
Healthcare professionals recommend wearing a posture corrector for no more than 6 hours a day to start with, and to work one’s way down to just 2 or 3 hours a day over the first few months.
How Tight Should a Posture Corrector be?
As with anything, comfort is key. A posture corrector should fit you snugly, but it should not be tight enough that it is at the forefront of your mind all day because you’re being subtly strangled. You want to be able to forget that you’re wearing it, and you definitely don’t want to have any marks or indents into the skin when you eventually do take it off.
Posture Corrector Near Me
Posture Corrector at Walmart
We were surprised at just how many products Walmart had to offer within the posture correcting category. It seems that they have partnered up with many posture brands over the years and have made some of the best (and most affordable) products on the market available to their customers. When pondering where to buy posture corrector, Walmart is a great place to start!
Posture Corrector on Amazon
Amazon is one of the best posture corrector stores operating online, around the world. This is truly a hub for any and all things posture related, and buyers can browse a myriad of braces, belts and other devices designed to improve the body’s alignment.
Magnetic Posture Corrector on Amazon
Magnetic posture correctors are still an emerging fad and thus aren’t all that easy to find. Amazon, however, has a number of accredited sellers already registered who are making these braces available to the public. Always read the reviews before committing to purchase something from an e-commerce platform — this is where the truth of any product can be found!
Posture Corrector at Target
If you’re interested in shopping in-store, then Target is a great place to start. They don’t have a massive variety of posture correctors on offer, but those that they do have are high quality, and usually at a great price point.
Target posture correctors are also available via their online store, for distribution and delivery worldwide.
Posture Corrector at Walgreens
Walgreens has it all, even nifty devices that help to straighten your spine! In an effort to compete with the likes of Target and Walmart, Walgreens had to add a range of posture correcting brands to their inventory list, and we’re glad they did!
Shop both in-store and online, and explore a range of braces and belts from lesser known brands who are inevitably going to do great things in this industry!
Posture Corrector in Canada
Being a highly regulated country when it comes to anything wellness or medical oriented, Canada has pretty much sifted out any brands and devices that are not worthy of the public’s time and money.
That said, if you are based in Canada and there is an international brand that you would prefer over the local options, then shipping your device in is the way to go!
Posture Corrector Price
Given that this is a market that has become incredibly saturated over the years, the price point of posture correctors is now a broad spectrum.
We’ve found posture correctors going for as little as $5 on some platforms, while other, medically-certified, devices have been known to retail for upward of $100. With this in mind, we’d say that the average price one would need to spend to get a decent quality product with some sort of reputability behind it, would be between $20 to $40.
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